Monitoring the expert’s mission :
During the period of your detachment, the ATCT provides administrative follow-up of your application and keeps in touch with you in order to inform you of all useful and necessary information for your career and / or your affiliation to CNRPS and others.
Also note that if the ATCT is the exclusive manager of the budget allocated to the project to which you are affected to, it ensures:
- Financial monitoring
- Monitoring mission reports transmissions while guaranteeing the confidentiality of their content and the preservation of intellectual property right.
Evaluation of the ATCT services:
To evaluate its services, the ATCT provides you with a form (add a link to the vers l’Enquête de satisfaction consultant) to help you convey your comments and suggestions.
Evaluation of the expert’s services:
The ATCT also ensures satisfaction of the beneficiary about the Tunisian expertise within the South-South cooperation.
Thus, at the end of your mission, the ATCT shall provide the beneficiaries of your expertise with a form to have their opinions as to the objectives of technical assistance, communications, reports ....