Ministry of the Economy and Planning

Details about the job offer


N ° of the post


Domain Textile, Clothing, Furniture and Paper Industry
Recruitment sector Private
Diploma Higher Technical Certificate
Certificate of Professional Technician
Certificate of Professional Aptitude
Country of assignment Canada
Salary in DT / Euros or Dollars Salaire à partir de 18,00$/heure
Civil status Single, Married
Specialties Manufacture of office and shop furniture
Manufacture of kitchen furniture
Manufacture of other furniture
Languages French
Age limit 60
Expected date of recruitment -
Deadline for submission of application 08.02.2021
Number of years of experience • CAP Menuisier ébéniste et au moins 1 an d’expérience • Ou 4 ans d’expérience et plus en lien avec le poste, avec attestations d’emploi obligatoires
Kind Homme, Femme
Job Description Candidate (s) interested in these positions are invited to send their duly completed standard CV to the address and can download and consult offer canada in the Reviews and Announcements section.
Job Description