Ministry of the Economy and Planning

Details about the job offer

University Teacher in Mathematics

N ° of the post


Domain Education
Recruitment sector Private
Diploma Diplôma of the doctorate
National Professional Master’s Diploma
Country of assignment Oman
Salary in DT / Euros or Dollars 900
Civil status Single, Married
Specialties Mathematics
Languages Arabic
Age limit 55
Expected date of recruitment 16.05.2024
Deadline for submission of application 17.05.2024
Number of years of experience 3
Kind Homme, Femme
Job Description خبرة تدريسية لا تقل عن ثلاث سنوات في التدريس الجامعي
المرشح يحمل شهادة الماجستير معترف بها
الالمام باللغة الانجليزية والحاسب الالي